Getting Started

Please make sure to read all the instructions, watch the impression video, and review the common mistakes before taking your impressions. Producing high-quality impressions is crucial for well-fitting retainers. It is worth investing 10-15 minutes to fully understand the process and take your time. Rushing through this process is not recommended.


Step 1 - Preparation

Before you begin, brush and floss your teeth.

Grab a timer and make sure you are in front of a mirror.

Pick the larger tray of the two sizes that will fit inside your mouth, and make sure your teeth don't touch the side walls of the tray.

Practice placing the tray in your mouth a few times beforehand.


    Impression trays, impression putty, and phone timer

      • Make sure you are using the correct tray shown below.

      Step 2 - Mix the Putty & Place Inside Tray

      Caution: The putty begins to harden immediately once the two putties come into contact. It is critical that you follow the timing instructions exactly, or you may make a mistake. It is also important that you have reviewed the entire instructions before starting this step. Steps 2 and 3 should be done continuously, without any breaks in between.

      • Remove one full white putty and one full colored putty from their containers. Mix them together for exactly 45 seconds as quickly as possible. The putty should not have any streaks at the 45-second mark.


      mixing the impression putty with hands

       proper putty mixture

      Warning: The impression should be in your mouth by the one-minute mark. Only mix the putty for 45 seconds, place it into the tray, and then take the impression immediately.

      Shape Putty Into Tray (15 seconds max)

      Immediately after mixing the putty, roll it into a ball and then shape it into a log.

      Place the putty inside the tray, ensuring that there is more putty in the front of the tray and it tapers off towards the back end. This is important as your front teeth are longer, and we need to capture your gum-line effectively.


          showing impression putty inside of the tray


          Step 3 - Take Your Impression

          Upper Impression

          Insert the tray with putty into your mouth and use a mirror to center the tray underneath your upper teeth.

          Ensure that there is at least 2-3mm of space between your front teeth and the inside wall of the impression tray to avoid scraping the plastic on the way in.

          Position your thumbs underneath the tray, with your right thumb along the "right underside" and your left thumb along the "left underside" of the tray.

          Once the tray is properly positioned, press it straight up with a single, firm push, aiming to reach depth and even coverage. The putty should completely cover your teeth, extending beyond the gum-line.

          Pull your upper lip up and over the edge of the tray.

          Keep the tray still for a total of 4 minutes and try not to move it at all!


            Lower Impression

            Insert the tray with putty into your mouth and use a mirror to center the tray underneath your lower teeth.

            Ensure that there is at least 2-3mm of space between your front teeth and the inside wall of the impression tray to avoid scraping the plastic on the way in.

            Position your thumbs underneath the tray, with your right thumb along the "right underside" and your left thumb along the "left underside" of the tray.

            Once the tray is properly positioned, press it straight up with a single, firm push, aiming to reach depth and achieve even coverage. The putty should completely cover your teeth, extending beyond the gum-line.

            Pull your lower lip down and over the edge of the tray.

            Keep the tray still for a total of 4 minutes and try not to move it at all!

            Caution: It is likely that you will produce extra saliva and drool while waiting for the impression to harden. We suggest having paper towels present.

            Step 4 - Remove the finished impression from your mouth

            Gently press against an area of putty with your fingertips to check if it has fully hardened. If the putty is still squishy, wait an additional 30 seconds.

            Grip the top and bottom of the tray and gradually pull downward (there may be some resistance) until it pops off your teeth.

            Do not remove the impression putty from the tray unless instructed to do so!

            *** When shipping in the final impressions, it is important to keep the impression in the tray and not remove it. ***

            Step 5 - Send photos for approval



            Rinse your impression with water and then use a paper towel to remove any excess water and saliva.

            Your impression should capture the entirety of your teeth as well as the gum-line.

            Take a picture of your dry impression at a 45-degree angle with flash to ensure every detail is visible.

            To speed up the approval time, please send multiple angles of your impression photos to or text them to 949-478-4962. Make sure to include your full order name in the email or text. Capture the impressions from different angles, ensuring good lighting, and include shots that show all parts of the impressions.

            Wait for our approval before shipping your package to us. Remember, the quality of the retainer relies on the quality of the impression you send in.


              Step 6 - Shipping your impression

              Seal your impression(s) in the zip lock bag provided in the impression kit.

              Place your impression(s), any additional materials, and the filled-out impression form inside the provided return mailer.

              Attach the prepaid return shipping label to the mailer. Don't forget to pull the seal strip to securely seal your package. No additional packaging is necessary for protection as everything will arrive in good condition.


                What's Next?

                Once you get your impression(s) approved. We will send you an return tracking number on your impression kit so you can monitor the status.

                Need Help?

                If you need additional putty or have any questions, please reach out to us and we can assist you. If you would like any additional tips for retaking an impression, please let us know. 


                Text: 949-478-4962

                Common Mistakes

                Below is a list of the most common mistakes that people make while taking impressions:

                1. Not reading the instructions and watching the instructional video beforehand.

                2. Not following the specified timing exactly.

                3. Failing to apply enough pressure while taking the impression.

                4. Accidentally hitting the sides of the tray.

                5. Failing to capture the gum-line in the impression.

                By being aware of these common mistakes, you can ensure a better impression-taking process.

                  Impression Videos

                  Upper Impression

                  Lower Impression